

本校在南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村親愛部落裡,位於本縣北面、濁水溪上游,海拔約 九百公尺 ,與 一千公尺 以上的林木、群山為伍,原始自然景觀味濃厚。夏季氣候涼爽是避暑的好地方;冬季寒冷時,族人會在自家庭園燒木材取暖、聊天形成特有的景象。

Our school is located in Chin-Ai village, part of northern Nan-Tou County, just above the 濁水 river.We are approximately 900 meters above sea level, and surrounded by natural high altitude vegetation and beautiful scenery.The climate is quite temperate during summers, making this a great place for a holiday.In winters, villagers would gather around small bond-fires in their yards for warmth and to socialize, creating a distinct picture that’s rarely seen in other parts of Taiwan.


南投縣親愛國小 南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村高平路3號