

提供一個以「孩子為主體」的快樂學習樂園 —安排安全、人性化的優質學習環境,使兒童喜歡上學, 快樂學習。

塑造一個「尊師重道」的教師專業自主教學環境 —鼓勵教師進修成長,擁有尊嚴教學專業,發揮教育大愛。

落實「個別差異」,提供成就感的教學 --精心規劃生動活潑的適性課程,使兒童在學習的喜悅中,建立信心、適性成長。

建立一個「共榮共享」的社區環境 --開放場地,結合社區資源互惠互助,使兒童心中有愛,能肯定自己,關懷別人。

Our School Vision


Our objective is to provide a “children-centered” joyous learning environment.We aim to induce children’s interests in learning by ensuring safety, comfort and excellence in our school surroundings.


We try to instill a respectful atmosphere, thereby allowing each teacher’s professionalism and character to shine through.We encourage our teachers and staff to continue to pursue personal and professional excellence through education.


We recognize the individuality of students and try to foster a learning environment that promotes self-esteem and confidence.Our curriculum is designed so that children can grow while obtaining a sense of accomplishment.


We try to inspire in our students the values of kindness, compassion and generosity by opening our doors and sharing our resources with the community.


南投縣親愛國小 南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村高平路3號